
After the successful 2007 International Workshop in Recife, Brazil, with 250 participants, the Second International Conference on Best Practices for Concrete Pavements seeks to focus on fundamental land-based infrastructure, such as airports, highways and harbors, which are very important facilities for South American development. International experiences and contributions will be welcomed for presentations and technology exchange.

This conference will focus on innovative construction and maintenance technologies with special regards to environmental issues. Particular interest will be given to South American development and, to accomplish the goal of attracting a large Latin-American contingent, the conference will offer simultaneous translation into Spanish and English. In order to achieve the main goals, special invited keynote speakers from Europe and the USA will convey their expertise during the conference. Participants are expected to include representatives public and private road agencies, industry, academia, professional consulting and construction engineers, as well as students and any other people concerned with concrete pavements. It will offer a great opportunity for the exchange of experiences between people from several countries, including from Asia and Africa.